Implementation of Google Forms as Alternative for Quality Indicator Recording and Reporting Systems in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Marshal Octavianus Master Program in Hospital Management Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang
  • Wiwin Indriani Bhayangkara Hasta Brata Hospital Batu
  • Nikma Fitriasari Department of Public Health Sciences Preventive Medicine Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang



Indicators, Google Forms, quality, recording, reporting


Recording and reporting are parts of health services aiming to create administrative discipline to improve health service quality. Covid-19 pandemic prevalence has impeded unit quality indicator recording and reporting, causing suboptimal quality measurements. This study aimed to see the implementation of Google Forms as a solution to overcome obstacles in unit quality indicator recording and reporting. This study was a one-group pre-experimental with a pre-and post-intervention design without control. The sample was seven people who were Laboratory Unit staff of a Private Hospital in Batu City. The results showed that applying Google Forms can provide staff's ability and timeliness in measuring unit quality indicators. A good quality measurement method can increase the effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation related to patient-centered quality improvement.


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2022-10-24 — Updated on 2022-10-24




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