Review of Determinants of Nonmedical Caesarean Section in Indonesia: A Systematic Review


  • Sigit Nurfianto 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Universitas Palangkaraya Palangkaraya
  • Rachmad Suhanda Department of Public Health/Community Medicine Faculty of Medicine Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh
  • Ferina Agustia Yuarta Department of Public Health Faculty of Public Health Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
  • Priska Refani Yasmin Mother and Child Hospital Palangkaraya
  • Thyrister Nina Asarya Sembiring Yasmin Mother and Child Hospital Palangkaraya
  • Dhea Sofiana Mellazulfa Yasmin Mother and Child Hospital Palangkaraya
  • Yoriko Laurentina Yasmin Mother and Child Hospital Palangkaraya
  • Yeni Yeni Yasmin Mother and Child Hospital Palangkaraya



Caesarean section, determinants, Indonesia, nonmedical indication, systematic review


Caesarean section (C-section) delivery has increased worldwide. The number of deliveries using the C-section procedure at the age of 10–54 years in Indonesia reached up to 17.6% of the total number of deliveries, due to the presence of medical and nonmedical indications. This study aims to analyze about nonmedical indications of C-section. This study uses a systematic review method. The inclusion criteria for the investigated studies were articles published in 2011–2021, written in English or Bahasa Indonesia, observational studies with case control or cohort as the design, and available to be downloaded in full text. In total, 12 articles were included in this systematic review. The nonmedical factors that influence the C-section procedure are antenatal care, the mother's level of education, residency, health insurance, socio-economics, occupation, previous birth histories, the mother's demand, the family's support and decision-making, and doctor's referral. The government, through the help of health practitioners, needs to increase the education to pregnant women and their families regarding the advantages and disadvantages of their preferred delivery methods.


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2024-02-29 — Updated on 2024-02-29



Literature Review