Stock Procurement and Documentation as Emergency Trolley Content Discrepancy Factors in Emergency Installation (Study on a Private General Hospital in Malang Regency)


  • I Ketut Yoga Sedana Master Program in Hospital Management Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang
  • Kararawi Listuhayu Mitra Delima General Hospital Malang
  • Nanik Setijowati Department of Family Medicine Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang



Emergency, emergency trolley, logistics


One of the common problems in managing emergency logistics is the emergency trolley that conflicts with the standard operating procedures. It causes a mismatch of the emergency trolley contents. In fact, the availability of unstandardized emergency trolleys will impact the quality of emergency services in the emergency department. The emergency medicine shortage and emergency trolley content discrepancy also occurred several times in the ER. This study was conducted to analyze the determinant factor of content discrepancy in the emergency trolley in the emergency room of a private hospital in Malang Regency. The research method used was descriptive quantitative. The methods of identifying the root of the problem were carried out through field observations, literature studies, brainstorming, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Statistical tests were done using Bartlett's test of sphericity and Kaiser-Mayer Olkin (KMO) with a value higher or equivalent to 0.5. The study results formed two determinants of content discrepancies in the emergency trolley in the ER. The stock procurement factor is able to explain the problem by 48.02%, and the process documentation factor is able to explain the problem by 17.63%.


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Author Biographies

Kararawi Listuhayu, Mitra Delima General Hospital Malang

One of the problems that often occurs in the management of emergency logistics is the emergency trolley which sometimes does not comply with standard operating procedures. This will cause a mismatch of the contents of the emergency trolley. Even though the availability of emergency trolleys that are not standardized will have an impact on the quality of emergency services in the ER. The shortage of emergency medicine when needed and the incompatibility of the contents of the emergency trolley also occurred several times at Mitra Delima General Hospital. From these problems, research was carried out regarding the factors that caused the discrepancy of the contents of the emergency trolley in the ER at Mitra Delima Hospital.The research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method. The method of identifying the root of the problem is carried out through field observations, literature studies, brainstorming, and conducting Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Statistical test using Barlett's test of sphericity and Kaiser-Mayer Olkin (KMO), with KMO value 0.5. The results of the study, formed 2 factors that explain the root cause of the discrepancy in the contents of the emergency trolley in the ER at Mitra Delima General Hospital. Factor 1 is able to explain the problem by 48.02% while factor 2 is able to explain the problem by 17.63%. These factors are drug vacancies from distributors and no emergency trolley registers.

Keywords: Emergency trolley, Emergency, logistics

Nanik Setijowati, Department of Family Medicine Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang

One of the problems that often occurs in the management of emergency logistics is the emergency trolley which sometimes does not comply with standard operating procedures. This will cause a mismatch of the contents of the emergency trolley. Even though the availability of emergency trolleys that are not standardized will have an impact on the quality of emergency services in the ER. The shortage of emergency medicine when needed and the incompatibility of the contents of the emergency trolley also occurred several times at Mitra Delima General Hospital. From these problems, research was carried out regarding the factors that caused the discrepancy of the contents of the emergency trolley in the ER at Mitra Delima Hospital.The research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method. The method of identifying the root of the problem is carried out through field observations, literature studies, brainstorming, and conducting Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Statistical test using Barlett's test of sphericity and Kaiser-Mayer Olkin (KMO), with KMO value 0.5. The results of the study, formed 2 factors that explain the root cause of the discrepancy in the contents of the emergency trolley in the ER at Mitra Delima General Hospital. Factor 1 is able to explain the problem by 48.02% while factor 2 is able to explain the problem by 17.63%. These factors are drug vacancies from distributors and no emergency trolley registers.

Keywords: Emergency trolley, Emergency, logistics


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2022-10-24 — Updated on 2022-10-24


