Risk Factors for Mortality Due to Covid-19: A Case Study at a Distric Hospital in March-September 2020


  • Luthfiana Husnaini Utami Airlangga University
  • Dyah Yulia Ariani
  • Oskar Renagalih Amarta




Covid-19, in-hospital mortality, risk factor


The Covid-19 pandemic, which becomes a global health problem, has widely impacted not only health but also social, economic, and politics in Indonesia. Previous studies have indicated that the patient's prognosis is influenced by the degree of disease, age, gender, and comorbidities. District hospital in Bojonegoro is a Covid-19 referral hospital and 37,1 % of patients who died in march-september 2020. This study was conducted to identify risk factors for death in patients with Covid-19 in hospital so we can reduce casa fatality rate in district hospital in Bojonegoro. The independent variables in the study were age, gender, and comorbid status, while the dependent variable was the output status (recovered or deceased). The study was conducted at a private hospital in East Java in October 2020 on 104 patients as subjects. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test. The results show that all the factors studied, age p = 0.006, gender p = 0.050, and comorbid status p = 0.001, have a statistically significant relationship with mortality. In short, at this hospital, advanced age, male gender, and comorbidities are the risk factors for Covid-19 death.


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Author Biography

Luthfiana Husnaini Utami, Airlangga University

Administration and Public Policy


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2022-03-05 — Updated on 2022-04-11




Case Report