Loss of Linen Stock at Puri Bunda Mother and Child Hospital: What Affects This?


  • Ivan Drie Postgraduate Program in Hospital Management Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Malang http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9819-2535
  • Devita Rahmani Ratri MMRS Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University
  • Merry Nuthea RSIA Puri Bunda Malang




Hospital , lost linen, surveillance


An insufficient number of linens, lack of linen cleanliness, and untimely linen provision will affect patient satisfaction, service quality, and hospital financing. Data at Puri Bunda Mother and Child Hospital Malang showed 108 linen loss incidents from the initial stock of 792 linens. This study was conducted to identify the factors that influence linen loss at Puri Bunda Mother and Child Hospital Malang. The root of the problems was identified through observations, interviews, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the laundry staff, followed by analysis using a fishbone diagram and creating a Pareto diagram to select the main root of the problems. The study results indicate the absence of hospital policies that regulate the technical management of linen, weak evaluation monitoring, and inadequate linen management planning that contribute to the incidence of linen loss.


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2021-09-23 — Updated on 2022-07-11



