Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Mempunyai Peranan Penting dan Akurasi Tinggi Sebagai Metode Diagnostik Preoperatif Tumor Tulang


  • Eviana Norahmawat Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya Malang



Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) technique is gaining increasing popularity in the diagnosis of
musculoskeletal lesions because it offers some advantages such as rapid , easy , with minimal complications,
but its applicability in diagnosis of bone tumors however has some limitations. This research was aimed to
explore the roles of FNAB and its accuracy as the preoperative diagnostic method compared to
histopathology examination from open biopsy or operation as a gold standard. Research design was
descriptive study and diagnostic test from cases of bone tumors which were aspirated over a period of three
years in Anatomic Pathology Laboratory of Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang. The data was collected with cross
sectional method. Of the 106 patients who were subjected to FNAB, 22 cases were diagnosed as benign
bone tumor,49 were primary malignant bone tumor,24 were metastatic malignant bone tumor,1 cases was
suspicious malignant tumor, 5 cases were non neoplastic lesions, and 5 cases were inadequate/ inconclusive
for diagnosis. Of the 16 cases which was analized with diagnostic test, sensitivity of FNAB as preoperative
diagnostic method was 100 %, specificity was 90,91%, positive predictive value was 83,33 % and negative
predictive values was 100 % . Overall, diagnostic accuracy of FNAB was 93,75 %.It can be concluded that


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