
  • Athuf Thaha Sub Bagian Alergi/ Imunologi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit & Kelamin FK UNSRI/ RS dr. M. Hoesin Palembang




Treatment  limitations  of  current  immunosuppressive  therapies,  and  growing  understanding  of  psoriasis
pathogenesis on a molecular level have stimulated much interest in the field of immunomodulatory therapy fo
management of psoriasis. Genetic engineering has allowed the development of proteins that are targeted to
specific cell surface receptors. A well over 40 targeted biologic agents are in preclinical and clinical testing fo
T-cell  mediated  inflammatory    diseases,  including  psoriasis.  It  is  important  that,  as  a  doctor  become  wel
educated in biologics, since several of these agents are available for the management of psoriasis.   
Keywords:  immunosuppressive  therapy,  immunomodulatory  therapy,  genetic  engineering,  surface  receptors,  targeted
biologic agents, biologics.


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