Latihan Renang Intensitas Berat Lebih Meningkatkan Kekuatan Daya Rentang


  • Yulian Wiji Utami Jurusan Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya



The objective of this study was to prove that light intensity and heavy intensity of swim training can improve
wide area of cross section, amount of fibroblas cell and thick of sharpey's fibre at achiles tendon. This study
used separate sample pretest-posttest control group design, with experimental animals the white rat (Rattus
norvegicus strain Wistar) Male, age around 3 weeks, counted 28 tails. Two treatment type that given were (1)
light intensity of swim training (with giving of burden 3% Body Weight) and (2) heavy intensity of swim training
(with giving of burden 9% Body Weight). Data is analysis by descriptive statistic, MANOVA and deskriminan
test with trust level of 95%. Result of study was showed light intensity of swim training and heavy intensity, to
be increasing of wide area of cross section, amount of fibroblas cell and thick of sharpey's fibre compare to
posttest control. MANOVA test result to respon change of treatment effect which get that treatment give
significant difference (Trace Holtelling's, p<0,05). From discriminant test result was showed variable amount
of fibroblas cell and thick of sharpey's fibre showing that have significant contribution of change response of
treatment (p<0,05), while variable wide area of cross section not showed significant contribution have a
meaning of response change of treatment effect ( p>0,05).
Keywords: intensity of swim training, wide area of cross section, fibroblas cell, sharpey’s fibre.


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Research Article